Michael Castellano

Department of Agronomy

Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011-1010

Website: https://www.agron.iastate.edu/people/michael-castellano 

Research Interests

Mike’s research aims to maximize crop system productivity and environmental performance. He work towards this goal with a broad group of collaborators including scientists, engineers, and policy makers. Together, they apply agronomic, ecological, and biogeochemical principles to advance our basic understanding of energy and material flows while improving ecosystem management. 


2009 PhD, Soil Science, The Pennsylvania State University
2004 MS, Biology, Saint Louis University
2001 BS, Biology, University of Rhode Island

Work Experience

2015-present: William T. Frankenberger Professor of Soil Science, Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University
2015-present: Associate Professor of Agronomy, Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University
2010-2015: Assistant Professor of Agronomy, Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University

Selected Publications

Poffenbarger HJ, Sawyer JE, Barker D, Olk D, Six J, Castellano MJ. 2018. Legacy effects of long-term nitrogen fertilizer application on nitrogen use efficiency in continuous maize. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167880918302780

Osterholz W., Liebman M, Castellano MJ. 2018. Can soil nitrogen dynamics explain the yield benefit of crop diversification? 2018. Field Crops Research https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378429017319081

Martinez-Feria R, Castellano MJ, Dietzel R, Helmers M, Liebman M, Huber I, Archontoulis S. 2018. Linking crop- and soil-based approaches to evaluate system nitrogen-use efficiency and tradeoffs. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167880918300021

Iqbal J, Necpalova M, Archontoulis SV, Anex RP, Bourguignon M, Herzmann D, Mitchell DC, Sawyer J, Zhu Q, Castellano MJ. 2017. Extreme weather-year sequences have non-additive effects on environmental nitrogen losses. Global Change Biology http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/gcb.13866/abstract

Poffenbarger HJ, Barker DW, Helmers MJ, Miguez FE, Olk DC, Sawyer JE, Six J, Castellano MJ. 2017. Maximum soil organic carbon storage in Midwest U.S. cropping systems when crops are optimally nitrogen-fertilized. PLoS ONE http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0172293

Castellano MJ, Mueller KM, Olk DC, Sawyer JE, Six J. 2015. Integrating plant litter quality, soil organic matter stabilization and the carbon saturation concept. Global Change Biology https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/gcb.12982

Castellano MJ, Kaye JP, Lin H, Schmidt JP. 2012. Linking soil carbon saturation concepts to nitrogen retention and saturation. Ecosystems https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10021-011-9501-3 


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