Camille Rubeaud

PhD student Agroscope and ETHZ

Agroscope Reckenholz
Agricultural Landscapes and Biodiversity, Soil Quality and Soil Use
Reckenholzstrasse 191
8046 Zürich

Email: external page

Research Interests

Since my studies in agronomy and through my various professional experiences, I have developed an instatiable facination for soils. Soil is a natural resource that is essential to the functioning of the earth's ecosystems. Nevertheless, soil is under great pressure all over the world.
That's why I think it's so important to understand the impact of our use of soils on their quality, and thus promote forms of land use that are more sustainable.
Through my PhD project, I'm going to study the impact of agroforestry systems on soil quality and related ecosystem services. We'll be conducting field experiments on farms in Switzerland.

Education/Work Experience

2023 - 2027: PhD student Agroscope and ETHZ

2023: Scientific Collaborator at Sol Conseil (Gland, CH)

2021-2022: CAS in Soil Cartography at ZHAW / HAFL / HEPIA / HES Changins

2021-2023: Scientific collaborator at Federal Office for Agriculture (Liebefeld, CH)

2020: Internship at the Cantonal Office for Agriculture of the Canton Vaud (Morges, CH)

2017-2020: Msc. Agricultural Sciences at ETHZ, Major in Crop Sciences, Minor in Soil Systems

2013-2016: Bsc. Agricultural Sciences at ETHZ

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